How should I present my product for an unboxing video?

Asked 2 years ago

I am preparing an unboxing video of my product, but I’m not sure if I made it as attention-grabbing as possible. I’m hand-making porcelain earrings and my packaging is kinda small, so I’m wondering what I can do about it and how to present the earrings so that they look as cute as they do IRL. Do you guys have any tips? Thanks!

Rob Elgar

Rob Elgar

Tuesday, April 04, 2023

When showcasing smaller items in an unboxing video, you will need to pay more attention to how you make your product "pop", as it is less likely to hold the viewer's attention.

Some things you can do to bring the earings to the focus of the viewers include:

  • Use a high-quality, close-up camera
  • Make use of contrasting colors to help the item pop
  • Avoid distracting or busy backgrounds
  • Propper lighting can make the difference between a professional and amateur video. Use it wisely
  • Use descriptions, pop-ups, and text overlays to add additional information and keep the viewers engaged
  • Move slowly with the product as it is harder to focus on
  • Ensure you are cautious with the packaging when opening it, to not damage the earings

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